Thank you for your interest in So to Speak! The best way to get a sense of what we publish is to read our most recent issue(s), available on our website.

Please note we only accept previously unpublished work for all categories. Please do not send us a piece you have sent us before unless we ask to see another version.

Blog submissions will open periodically throughout the year for themed calls. Please submit book reviews, interviews, essays, etc. See our website for additional submission information. It's always a good idea to read a few of our blog posts (outside of a limited series) for a sense of what we're looking for. 

We offer fee-free submissions for Black and Indigenous writers always. This will be available as a separate form when submissions are open. 

If you are not a Black or Indigenous writer and the submission fee presents a financial hardship, please email us at for a fee waiver.

Please note that affiliates of George Mason University may not submit their work for consideration until at least five years after their graduation date.

For more information, please visit our submissions page.


Our Winter 2025 Issue of So to Speak is an all-new collection of intersectional fiction, poetry, CNF, and visual art, with cover art by Gabriela Burlamaqui. 

For physical print copies ($9): please select the add-on of "Mail me a print copy!" at the bottom of this submission form We'll probably throw a back issue or two in with your order, free of charge :)  

For digital copies ($4): please proceed to check out without clicking additional buttons. The issue will be emailed to the account associated with your Submittable.


Fill out this form to receive two back issues of STS! 

So to Speak: intersectionality + language + art